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平安夜歌曲:O Little Town of Bethlehem

2016-11-14 出处:其他 作者: 佚名

关键词: 平安夜 平安夜歌曲 平安夜是几月几日 平安夜的由来 平安夜里真平安

  小伯利恒的乐章,优美悠扬,在宁谧和平中,为人带来新希望。作者菲利士.布禄斯(PhillipBrooks),是波士顿的富家之子,一八五五年毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University)。一八六五年圣诞节,他到以色列作圣地游。当他从伯利恒前往耶路撒冷时,停留在空旷的田野间,回首望向伯利恒,只见这被风沙萦绕的小城,既朴实又宁静。他想起伟大的救主耶稣基督,竟谦卑地降生在这小城里,心灵受感动至流泪。


  玛丽亚·凯莉 (Mariah Carey) - O Little Town of Bethlehem

  O little town of Bethlehem

  How still we see thee lie

  Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

  The silent stars go by

  Yet in thy dark streets shineth

  The everlasting light

  The hopes and fears of all the years

  Are met in thee tonight

  The hopes and fears of all the years

  Are met in thee tonight

  For Christ is born of Mary

  And gathered all above

  While mortals sleep, the angels keep

  Their watch of wondering love

  O morning stars together

  Proclaim the holy birth

  And praises sing to God, the King

  And peace to men on earth

